Can we avoid ecological collapse?

It’s possible to provide everybody with decent living standards at levels of energy that are compatible with renewable production.

With Prof Julia Steinberger of the University of Leeds and the IPCC.

Julia is Professor of Ecological Economics at the University of Leeds and a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change.


  1. It’s possible to provide everybody with decent living standards at levels of energy that are compatible with renewable production. But it mustn’t involve overconsumption.
  2. I’m very strongly anti-aviation. I don’t fly, I don’t see family members in the US. I don’t think it’s sustainable to have aviation. There’s no such thing as a low-carbon flight, and nothing on the horizon either. The aviation industry say that there is, and they’re lying.
  3. What we call human civilisation – the ability to feed billions of people with a stable agriculture, I’d say that’s a probable threat, and if we continue on our current course it’s a near certain threat.

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